Carmel school in General Rule

The pupil should come to school in full uniform as prescribed.
The pupil should be present in the school on time and late comers will not be permitted to enter the school campus.
The pupils should attend religious or moral classes of the school.
Doing homework and classwork is the duty of the pupil and failure to do so,may lead to disciplinary action.
Pupils must always provide themselves with all necessary books, notebooks and stationary etc.
Any correspondence, addressed to pupil will be handed over to the pupil only after the inspection of the Principal/Correspondent.
On rainy days children should be provided with the rain coat and umbrella clearly marked with their name.
The pupils must bring lunch. No one will be sent to home for lunch.
Pupils are expected to keep the classrooms and school premises neat and clean.
Leave of absence is granted either on written application or a request from the parents to the principal personally.
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